Georgina Baillie Is A Dominatrix Hooker

Georgina Baillie Dominatrix Credit crunch, hunger, poverty, homelessness, global warming, the price of fish – all these pale into insignificance next to he UK hottest story of the week. Yes, the Georgina Baillie fiasco is still runing riot, and hot on the heels of her hardcore lesbian bondage movie comes the news that she is a 200-dollar an hour hooker.

After complaining of being ‘humiliated’ by the fact it was blurted out on national radio by Jonathon Ross that co-presenter Russell Brand had ‘fucked’ her, it turns out Ms Baillie, working under the name Mistress Voluptua, earns £110 ($200) an hour humiliating punters in her ‘fully equipped’ dungeon. The poor Ms Baillie ekes out a hard-earned income, no doubt tax-declared and all, by smearing herself in peanut butter, and whipping guys bare buttoks while deriding the size of their penises. Oh for an easier life flipping burgers at 10 bucks an hour.

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