Congratulations to the British tabloids on finally picking up on the fact that Georgina Baillie aka Voluptua from the Satanic Sluts has done hardcore lesbian porn. It’s only been plastered all over the internet for the last 3 days, with This Site having the Georgina Baillie porn tape that is now on everyone’s lips. Pun intended. Oh, and investigative journalism at it’s best…. Wonder if there’ll be such an outcry over the ‘ordeal’ Georgina has suffered now it’s finally common knowledge she is a porn movie star – probably not. Once the great British public have a moral lynchmob mentality all nice and collectively spewed forth, history tells us that this piece of news will be ignored – after all, if it wasn’t for those nasty pranksters Jonathon Ross and Russell Brand, no-one would have known she did hardcore porn, would they now. Cynical? Moi?